Special Autonomy for Papua and West Papua Provinces, Opportunities, Challenges, and Hopes

The journey of implementing Special Autonomy in Papua and West Papua for more than 21 years has not shown maximum results as expected by all parties, giving the impression as if the central and provincial and district/city governments and their entire staff including the TNI and Polri have not shown a strong commitment to consistently implement mandate of the Special Autonomy law in an effective, honest and comprehensive manner. Some central government policies are considered to deny the results of the compromise. If the government and state administrators including provinces and districts/cities really show seriousness in carrying out the mandate of the Special Autonomy Law, there will be a significant change towards progress and improvement of the quality of life of the Papuan people in various aspects of life towards achieving an atmosphere of shared life. which is safe, peaceful, prosperous and just as mandated by the Indonesian Constitution and will also make a significant contribution to the integration of the nation and state which is becoming increasingly prominent.



The implementation of Special Autonomy for Papua Province and West Papua Province (Otsus Papua) is based on Law no. 21 of 2001 in conjunction with Law no. 35 of 2008, is the result of a political compromise between the Papuan people and the central government to resolve the multidimensional conflict that has been protracted since 1962. Through this political compromise the government is willing to make corrections so as not to repeat various policies and forms of development approaches in the past which were generally not in favor of Papuans, and has implications for the marginalization and backwardness of Papuans in all fields of development, so that it accumulates in the strengthening of the desire/aspiration to separate themselves from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

The journey of implementing Otsus Papua for more than 8 years has not shown maximum results as expected by all parties, giving the impression as if the central and provincial and district/city governments and their entire staff including the TNI and Polri have not shown a strong commitment to consistently implement mandate of the Special Autonomy law in an effective, honest and comprehensive manner. Some central government policies are considered to deny the results of the compromise. If the government and state administrators including provinces and districts/cities really show seriousness in carrying out the mandate of the Special Autonomy Law, there will be a significant change towards progress and improvement of the quality of life of the Papuan people in various aspects of life towards achieving an atmosphere of shared life. which is safe, peaceful, prosperous and just as mandated by the Indonesian Constitution and will also make a significant contribution to the integration of the nation and state which is becoming increasingly prominent.


Basically, Otsus Papua is a solution for solving the problems of Papua in the past, present, and in the future which are multidimensional in nature. Therefore, the Special Autonomy Law for Papua is the formal legal basis for granting special authority by the state to the government and people in Papua and West Papua provinces as well as a commitment to allocate a number of affirmative funding sources for the two provinces as regulated in Article 34 to Article 34. 36 The Special Autonomy Law for Papua is actually an opportunity for the government and the people of the Papua and West Papua provinces to spur the processes of: (1) Accelerating development in various fields, both physical and non-physical. (2) Improving the quality of government administration and public services. (3) Development of initiatives to accelerate development creatively and relevant to the specifics and advantages of social, economic, cultural, geographical conditions and the potential of natural resources owned by these two provinces.


Papua Special Autonomy will have a bleak prospect and will not be able to become a means of solving problems and antidote to various conflicts in Papua, as well as becoming a means of achieving a useful life for Papuans within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia if: (1) The central and regional governments can change the paradigm of development in Papua which has been This approach is oriented to a security approach to an approach that is focused on achieving welfare in accordance with the objectives of Otsus. (2) Stop and resolve all forms of human rights violations in Papua, including if past human rights violations failed to be resolved in a fair and dignified manner, (3) Increase the capacity and integrity of the Papuan government in accordance with the spirit and mandate of Law No. changes for the improvement of various aspects of the life of the Papuan people and the realignment of government in Papua. (4) Provincial and district/city governments disseminate/communicate various information regarding the use of the Special Autonomy fund budget to the lowest level. Information disseminated must be in accordance with reality. (5) Law enforcement against State administrators (bureaucrats and members of parliament at the provincial and district/city levels) in Papua who abuse their positions.


Future Hope

The existence of the Special Autonomy Law for the Papua and West Papua provinces is a strong legal basis for the government to make corrections and improvements to past mistakes and weaknesses so that the Papuan people can enjoy a better, more advanced life atmosphere and be treated fairly and with dignity in an atmosphere of life. safe and free from fear. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize and effectively utilize Otsus appropriately, the availability of various implementing regulations for the Special Autonomy Law, namely Perdasus and Perdasi, and the readiness and seriousness of Papua's special autonomy stakeholders, namely the provincial, district/city governments (DPRP, DPRD) including the MRP and support from various components of civil society in Papua. The role of the central government is also very important to support and supervise and provide effective assistance to the two provinces in Papua so that the Papua Special Autonomy Law runs effectively and efficiently and has a real impact on the progress and welfare of the Papuan people.

These thoughts surfaced in the Coordination and Consultation Forum for the Management of Social Dynamics with the theme "Acceleration of the Implementation of Special Autonomy in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua in the context of Consolidating Unity and Unity within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia", organized by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs in collaboration with the Provincial Government of West Papua and Papua State University. , in Manokwari, West Papua, March 25, 2010.

Source: Polkam.go,id
